Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Personal Collection: Jyutoku Vol. 33: Momo Sakura - Big Costume In Card Stall

Showcasing my own personal collection:

This is the Big Costume in Card Stall of Momo Sakura from Jyutoku Vol. 33. This card's design uses a nicely photographed Momo wearing the "Stall" on the right half of the card while the left half is a filtered close up. The words surround the swatch above and below while to the left side is what the swatch is over and the number count. The swatch shows the print design rather than the light blue fabric.
 This is not my favorite rare card I own. The card's design is lovely and has a nice aesthetic- a calming one even but I am not a fan of the overall design of Jyutoku cards. I feel that Jyutoku\s Big Costume Card designs are lackluster. They seem repetitive and a bit uncreative. Juicy Honey's Honey Costume/Jersey has multiple card designs for one set. They go through different colors, natural or photoshopped, different backgrounds (different designs or different locations). They use different fonts, different swatch shapes- That's what makes Juicy Honey so pleasing. Jyutoku isn't as flashy and is subtle but it makes all their cards look so similar. Another thing to mention is...What is a "Stall"? I searched it up but got nothing. I believe they meant "Stole"...
I think Momo is gorgeous and her pose is quite nice, the swatch is nicely sized as well; being very generous. I'm not a fan of the design but it's interesting to see that the swatch has a design that is not common since the outfit is mainly light blue. It's also SFW for those who might have people around who can accidentally see it- then again these are still NSFW Cards so unless you don't mind...These cards should be kept safe and hidden from unwanted attention.  Overall, It's not a bad design...It's well but it's not the best. Not my favorite.

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