Monday, July 20, 2020

Personal Collection: Juicy Honey Premium Edition 2010: Yuu Asakura - Honey Combo

Showcasing my own personal collection:

This is Yuu Asakura from Juicy Honey Premium Edition 2010 with her Honey Combo. This card's design has a lot to it. Many different shapes, borders- makes one look all around the card. The color choices, especially with the grayish-brown colors, makes the card look metallic or shiny. The gradient and textures help give that look as well. The light blue and yellow bring out the beach likeness which is fitting for the premium edition. I am unsure why the vibrant red though...It doesn't fit the theme nor color schemes. There are two different fonts to the card: regular and cursive. The swatch holes are like a diamond-shape; It gives it a regal feel to it. The first swatch is black lace while the bottom is a black silky fabric with a purple polka dot. Yuu's photo is quite cute! She shows her "Jersey" top and bottom. She is sitting while lifting her leg up a bit to possibly show her crotch better.
I won this card in an auction for a good price. I didn't know who Yuu was but it as a Honey Combo and I didn't have one at the time. I was quite pleased with receiving it and started to like Yuu more and more. Unfortunately, I don't have any other Yuu cards. This card in particular is one that I like to look at despite the strange design choices. Yuu just has a way of pulling attention to her card.

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