Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Personal Collection: Juicy Honey Special Edition Maria Ozawa: Maria Ozawa - Honey Jersey Type A

Showcasing my own personal collection:

This is Marai Ozawa in her Honey Jersey Type A from Juicy Honey Special Edition Maria Ozawa. This card is not the most rarest Maria card but still considered rare due to what set it came from and who it is. The card's design uses squares/rectangles as borders with the top thin rectangle being concave. It uses gradients of light forest green and light coffee brown. There are also uses of the colors white and black throughout the card. The swatch is in a square-shaped hole that matches the card's angular theme. The actual swatch is of Maria's jersey which is white and features a small blue dot. Maria, wearing the jersey, is giving a casual pose with a friendly smile.
I honestly love this rare card just because it is Maria. I haven't been able to get anything of her (at least rare wise) until I found this card for auction! I was so happy to see that I won it and have treasured it since! She is considered a Juicy Honey Legend as she has been in the first Juicy Honey set ever and is extremely popular!

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