Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Card Review: Juicy Honey Vol. 23: Kirara Asuka - DNA

Reviewing Other Collectors' Cards:

This Card Belongs to JAV.Card.Hero

This card is from Juicy Honey Vol. 23, It is of Kirara Asuka and her DNA. The card's design blasts with a strong vibrant red which makes Kirara stand out yet it matches her lingerie. The words are in a pitch black bold font that stands out and also matches Kirara's lingerie again. Interestingly, The Hiragana character, "Ki" is used. Probably due to Kirara's first character in her name "Ki". It's not common to see that, usually it is in English lettering like her set's Symbol "K". The card gives out "Femme Fatale" vibes with the clashing of red and black. The font helps by being sleek. There is white bordering on the bottom which is interesting cause it doesn't play part of the supposed theme. It seems like it is there to call attention to the "limited" info. Kirara herself, however, plays the part of Femme Fatale quite perfectly. She has a innocent look but yet her pose is seductive- luring all who are attracted to her. On the back of the card, you can see that she becomes less innocent and more...seducing. The card's quality seems to be in pristine condition!
I adore this card a lot. The theme, the card type, the actress- all of it! It's a well thought out card that is desireable by many. Remembering the theme to Vol. 23, it doesn't seem to fit but it's probably not suppose to be following the theme and is more independent when it comes to lingerie shots. The pictures are censored but it was due to the owner wanting to post it on Instagram and Instragram does not allow nudity whatsoever. I am unsure what the serial number is but it doesn't seem to matter in this case. The card is beautiful! Great card, JAV.Card.Hero! :))

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